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Family Promise of York PA

Click below to view a short video on Family Promise, published by the Harrisburg Capital Region Affiliate.

We are a Developing Affliate


Family Promise is a way for communities to address the challenge of family homelessness using the resources that already exist. This is both cost efficient and effective.  We are not just about getting families into housing but addressing the underlying issues to keep them in housing.


We have congregations in our community that can provide space in their buildings to serve as temporary homes. A Day center is where families can take showers, receive case management and look for housing and jobs.  Transportation options exist to get families from the host congregations to the day center and back. With volunteers giving their time, making meals, and sharing hospitality, family homelessness is addressed without the creation of expensive shelters. 


By bringing the community together on the issue of family homelessness, Family Promise is able to address a major social problem in a holistic, effective way. Once the community becomes engaged, people understand the root causes of family homelessness and take steps to address them.

On average, 75% of the families served will gain long-term housing within 90 days in the program. Not only does this high success rate mean many more families are stably housed, it is also a tremendous cost saving to the community as a diversion from far more expensive interventions.


Our approach of keeping families together, identifying their strengths, and partnering with the community for solutions means that families are at much lower risk of returning to homelessness.


Family Promise changes lives.  Nearly 70,000 parents and children are served each year, giving them the ability to realize their true potential.

We also change the lives of our 180,000 volunteers, giving them a meaningful outreach right in their own communities.


In 2015 we came together to bring this much needed program to 

York PA.  ​Please consider getting involved to make the

Family Promise of York PA affiliate a reality.

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